Fleur Creatif - Belgian-based quarterly-issued publication featuring leading floral artists. Includes step-by-step instruction for creating contemporary seasonal designs. - http://www.happenings.be/fleurcreatif/
Awesome Blossoms by Mayesh - Monthly e-zine featuring articles and photographs focussed on trends, history, and fashion of floral design. - http://www.mayesh.com/AB/
Flora International - Bi-monthly UK publication covering all aspects of flower arranging, floristry and allied crafts. Lists articles appearing in the current issue and includes advertising and subscription information. - http://www.users.waitrose.com/~floramag/
Floral Design - Subscription-based monthly print and online publication covering leading floral artists, demonstrations and events, ideas and design tips. Includes free preview and information about step-by-step design CD-ROMs. - http://www.floraldesignmagazine.com/
Floral Design Newsletter - Complimentary subscription to email-based publication featuring images of contemporary floral arrangements. Includes excerpts from previous issues. - http://www.floraldesignnewsletter.com/
Fusion Flowers - Bi-monthly publication featuring contemporary British and international designers, arrangements and events. Includes highlights from current issue and subscription information. - http://www.fusionflowers.com/
The Flower Arranger - Quarterly publication from the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS), featuring both contemporary and classic floral designs. Includes excerpts from current issue and subscription information. - http://www.theflowerarrangermagazine.co.uk/