Glass On Metal - The Enamelist's Magazine - Dedicated to enamels and enameling. A large compendium of techniques, ideas, research and technology, history, news and resources on vitreous enamel. -
Margot Page - Enameling on Steel - Custom work mounted on a variety of media including vases, glass blocks, plates, canisters and jewelry. Designs include exotica of far away places. -
Allan Heywood Enamels - Creates gold and silver jewellery and wildlife panels and restores vitreous enamel objects. Examples of work, gallery, and newsletter. Located in Australia. -
Ricky Frank Enamels - Displays gold and silver cloisonne jewelry decorated with vitreous enamel. Includes information on technique, show listings, and new work. -
The Enamelist Society, Inc. - A volunteer arts organization founded in 1987 for the purpose of promoting the art of enameling. -
Art Effects - Gallery of enamel art from Jaime Frechette. -
Enamels and Gems - Yvonne Freeborn provides enamelling demonstrations in South East England. -
Enamel by Alexandra Raphael - Jewelry using cloisonne enamel; also award winning plique-a-jour bowls and goblets. One-off work and commisssions. -
Plique-a-Jour Enamels - Enamel works and brief description of the plique-a-jour enameling technique. This is the style reminiscent of Art Nouveau and which resembles miniature stained glass. -
Society of Dutch Enamellers - Informative articles about enamelling and special techniques, book reviews, international list of suppliers, art gallery, diary of exhibitions, question and answer section, and an eNewsletter. -
Enamelist - A look at enameling glass onto metal, through the work of artist Averill Shepps. -