Friends of the Rag Archives - Collection of wearable artists who present their art both in static shows and live performances. Photographic and video archives. -
Costume Designers Guild - Organization founded in 1953 to "promote the research, artistry and technical expertise in the field of film and television Costume Design". -
Greater Columbia Fantasy Costumer's Guild - Membership and contact information for a non-profit organization devoted to the art, design and wearing of costumes. Located in Columbia, Maryland, USA. -
The Dutch Society for Costume, Lace, Fashion and Regional Dress - NVKKMS - Organization of collectors and enthusiasts. Mission statement and history, membership information, calendar, "Bulletin" newsletter and annual educational journal "Kostuum". [Frames] [Dutch/English] -
The Greater San Francisco Bay Area Costumer's Guild - California, US-based group who enjoy creating and wearing costumes. Includes "The Great Pattern Review", calendar of themed events, image gallery, membership information. Extensive directory of costuming resources. -
Costume Guild UK - Promotes the advancement of costume design and construction for amateurs through professionals. Membership, members' websites, FAQ, and links. Publishes newsletter "Cutting Edge" and educational journal "The Mantle". -
National Costumers Association - USA-based group supporting the costuming industry. Officers and Board of Directors, mission statement, events schedule, image gallery from past competitions, scholarships, list of members, and membership form. -
Australian Costumers' Guild - Guild officers, calendar of events and workshops, image gallery, membership information, costume links. Publishes "Coztume" newsletter. -
Northern Society of Costume & Textiles - Founded 1977; located in the United Kingdom. Mission statement, membership information and costs, events, historic reproduction pattern sales and ordering, associated societies, and contact information. -
Costume Society of Great Britain - Membership information and costs, calendar of events, scholarship and grant requirements, purchasable publications, and list of associated societies with contact information. Publishes educational journal "Costume"; partial index of past issues. -
Costume Society of America - Costume and fashion history, museums, art history, lectures, conservation, and scholarships. Publishes educational journal "Dress". -
International Costumers' Guild, Inc. - ICG - Worldwide organization of costume professionals and hobbyists. Links to costume resources, events, and area chapters. -