The Continuity Pages: Crisis on Infinite Earths - A study of the DC crossover and the related titles "Kingdom Come" and "Treasuries of Peace, War, Hope, and Truth." With cover images, analysis and links. -
Candy Apple Black - Preview of upcoming comic about a fallen angel with information about movie prospects and artwork. -
The Crusaders - Feature about The Crusaders by Jack Chick. -
Captain Awareness Web Page - Information on Captain Awareness, a super-hero who promotes awareness and battles real-life problems which threaten society, With art samples, character prophiles and information on the creator and the publisher. -
Captain Kinetic - Showcasing Captain Kinetic, a comic book hero from the 1940s. -
Colonia - Information on Jeff Nicholson's comic Colonia, with the latest on cast and stories, some previews, a regular rant by the creator and ordering information. -