Red Sector Art original artwork - Enrico Salvini - Comic art by Giovanna Casotto, Giorgio Comolo, Alex Horley, Alberto Ponticelli, Tom Porta, Roberto Ricci, Eduardo Risso, Saverio Tenuta and an assortment of American original artwork. -
RomitaMan Original Art - Mike Burkey - Original comic book art, mostly superhero-oriented, from the Silver Age to the present. Mike has one of the largest (if not the largest) collection of John Romita Sr. Amazing Spider-man art, and is always looking to add to that collection. -
Ryan, Paul: Art - Modern-age originals from comic book and strip artist Paul Ryan. -
Ross, Alex: Original Art - Original art for sale from all of Ross' works, including Marvels, Kingdom Come, Astro City, Uncle Sam, and others. Preliminary pencil sketches at more moderate prices are also available. -
Rojay's Original Art - Wide range of mostly modern original comic art, including very high end pieces as well as a large selection of pages and sketches priced at under US$50 -