Medea Press - The Will to Power by Maral Agnerian and Paulina Wyrzykowska is about a society of elves succumbing to decadence and apathy while making sarcastic comments at each other. One woman embarks on a journey up to the surface, collecting a motley crew of tagalon -
Mediawarp Comics - Publisher of Prisonopolis, Company Cult, Murder By Crowquill and others, dealing with such issues as rising prison populations. With samples of the comics online, news and reviews and ordering information. -
Max Bunker Press - Italian publishers of Alan Ford in different formats. Previews, information on Alan Ford, the characters, videos and international rights. In English and Italian. -
Mock Man Press - Self-publishing company for Jason Thompson's comics, such as The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, Two Fears, Hugh Grisly: The Opener of the Way and A Young One of the Mythos. With information on all titles and ordering information. -