Atomic Age Alliance - A volunteer organization dedicated to celebrating and preserving historic Mid Century Modernism and Atomic Age design and architecture. -
Maisons Privées - A French-based non-profit organization dedicated to saving and promoting the diversity of twentieth and twenty-first century architecture. -
Promotion of Monuments in Curaçao - PROMO aims to preserve, conserve and maintain historical buildings in Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles). Includes photo gallery of buildings. -
Ballarat Heritagewatch - An organisation committed to maintaining the best aspects of the City of Ballarat’s distinctive character - especially its heritage buildings and gold-rush era streetscapes. -
International Council on Monuments and Sites - A non-governmental organization of professionals dedicated to the conservation of the world's historic monuments and sites. General Assembly, news, national committees, scientific committees. English and French versions. -
Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection Center - CHP is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, which undertakes a range of training activities, organizes grassroots projects, and provides consultation services to government units and local communities in heritage protection law and in strategies f -
Petra National Trust - Society for the preservation of the antiquities, environment and cultural heritage of the World Heritage Site of Petra in Jordan. Mission, values, administration, membership, funding. -
Falmouth Heritage Renewal - A United States-based non-profit organization dedicated to saving the cultural and historical heritage of Falmouth, Jamaica. Mission, illustrated history of Falmouth, programs, partners and news. -
Historical Heritage Protection Foundation Turkey - A non-profit, non-political organization dedicated to excavating, consolidating and restoring cultural properties in Turkey and elsewhere. Includes details of projects. -
Aga Khan Trust for Culture - Focuses on the physical, social, cultural and economic revitalisation of communities in the Muslim world. -
The Tibet Heritage Fund - Organized, funded and supervised the protection and restoration of the ancient secular buildings on the Lhasa Barkor, many originally scheduled for demolition. -
World Heritage - Elegant site from UNESCO explaining the choice of certain buildings and sites as World Heritage. List with pictures and information available on each. French and English language options. -
World Monuments Fund - Private, nonprofit organization for preserving art and architecture, based in New York. Photographs and descriptions of 100 most endangered sites. Projects, Jewish Heritage, trips, publications. -
Heritage Conservation Network - A non-profit organization promoting the conservation of historic architecture and sites. Hands-on preservation workshops are held at sites around the world. -
Historic Cities Support Programme - Part of the Aga Khan Trust Culture which focuses on the physical, social, cultural and economic revitalisation of communities in the Muslim world. -
An Taisce: The National Trust for Ireland - Concerned with conserving the best of Ireland's heritage, both built and natural. Policy, environmental programs, National Spring Clean, planning, events. -
Sociedade dos Amigos dos Jardins Europa e Paulistano - Neighborhood group aiming to preserve the "Garden City" districts of São Paulo, Brazil, designed by British architects Barry Parker and Raymond Unwin in the 1920s. Site in Portuguese and English. -
Swedish Foundation for Cultural Heritage without Borders - Aims to restore cultural property in those areas ravaged by conflicts, catastrophes or endangered in other ways. News, activities, appeal for support. -
Association for Preservation Technology International - Aims to advance the application of technology to the conservation of the built environment. Conference, bulletin, membership, local chapters, scholarships. -