Historic Farm Buildings Group - For those concerned with the past, present and future of historic farm buildings. Aims, downloadable newsletter, news and events, journal (contents in pdf format.) - http://www2.glos.ac.uk/hfbg/
Barley Hall, York - This medieval oak-framed house has been carefully restored to the way it would have looked in the 1480s. Photographs, visitor information. - http://website.lineone.net/~barleyhall/
Gawmless End - An illustrated description and history of a historic old Lancashire farmhouse nestling among the Rossendale Hills in the West Pennines of northern England. - http://www.farcourt.co.uk/ge/
Vernacular Architecture Group - Studies traditional buildings in the British Isles and from around the World. Organises conferences and publishes a refereed journal. - http://www.ccurrie.me.uk/vag/
Scottish Vernacular Buildings Working Group - SVBWG provides a focus for people interested in the traditional buildings of Scotland. Illustrated description of its activities and events. - http://www.svbwg.org.uk/
Ryedale Vernacular Building Materials Research Group - A multi-disciplinary research group for those with an interest in the vernacular buildings of Ryedale, North Yorkshire, and in particular the building stones and source quarries. Membership, research, meetings, and bibliography. - http://www.ryedale-buildings.org.uk
Medieval Peasant Houses - Mainly in 14th-century England. Scholarly summary by Paul Gans of the Department of Chemistry, New York University, on his Medieval Technology Pages. - http://scholar.chem.nyu.edu/tekpages/peasanthouses.html
Timber-Framed Houses - A beginner's guide to the history and construction of medieval timber-framed houses in England and Wales by the owner of one. Examples, bibliography and glossary. - http://wonderful.org.uk/
Living Under a Medieval Field - An article by John Letts in British Archaeology on the evidence of widespread survival of ancient thatch on vernacular buildings. History of thatching. - http://www.britarch.ac.uk/ba/ba58/feat1.shtml
Exploring the Round Houses of Doves - An article on dovecotes by Klara Spandl in British Archaeology, with references and a list of dovecotes open to the public. - http://www.britarch.ac.uk/ba/ba35/ba35feat.html
RCAHM Vernacular Architecture - Outline of the Royal Commission for Ancient and Historic Monuments in Wales approach to the study of the traditional architecture of farmhouses, farm-buildings and cottages. - http://www.rcahmw.org.uk/vernacular/
Yorkshire Vernacular Buildings Study Group - Researches and records the vernacular architecture of Yorkshire, organises conferences, dayschools and walkabouts, and publishes newsheets and an annual journal. - http://www.yvbsg.org.uk/