The Emery Walker Trust - Emery Walker was a leading figure in the Arts and Crafts movement in Britain, The Art Workers' Guild and The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. Biography and illustrated description of his house and its collections. -
Hewn and Hammered - A collaborative community weblog devoted to Arts and Crafts movement architecture and design. -
Craftsman Perspective - A guide to the history, aesthetics and architecture of the Arts and Crafts style, with a special focus on American architecture from 1900 to 1920, by Ken Lonsinger. -
Standen - The National Trust describes this show-piece of the late 19th-century Arts and Crafts Movement designed by Philip Webb for James Beale. History, photographs, facilities, opening times, news and events. -
Arts and Crafts Architecture - Images and information on US Arts and Crafts buildings and their architects from Cupola. -
Arts and Crafts Movement, Craftsman Style Bungalows - Tom Stermitz provides an introduction to the American houses inspired by Gustav Stickley, who spread Arts and Crafts ideas through his magazine 'The Craftsman'. From Ragtime. -
Gustav Stickley and the Craftsman Home - Illustrated description by Ray Stubblebine of the houses built from plans published by Stickley in his magazine The Craftsman, from an exhibition by The Craftsman Farms Foundation. Hosted by Ragtime. -
The Gamble House - The official site for this example of American Arts and Crafts architecture, designed by Charles and Henry Greene in 1908. History, biographies of the architects, virtual tour and visitor information. -
Red House, Bexley - Seminal Arts and Crafts house designed by Philip Webb for William Morris. The Friends of the Red House supply photographs and brief history. -
Friends of Red House - Aim to acquire, preserve and educate about William Morris's house in Bexley. History and visitor information, with online booking. Membership form, news, bibliography, FAQ and contact information. -
Arts and Crafts Society - This US-based society provides an events list, photographs, bibliography, lists of early Arts and Crafts exhibitions and societies, classifieds, links and a discussion forum. -