BBC: Sir Christopher Wren 1632-1723 - Biography of the architect of St Paul's Cathedral, illustrated with his portrait by Sir Godfrey Kneller. -
Wren, Christopher - Biography, bibliography and achievements compiled by Richard S. Westfall, as part of the Catalog of the Scientific Community, hosted by Rice University, Texas. -
Sir Christopher Wren: The English "Wrenaissance" - Robert Viau provides a biography, portrait and images of the architect's best-known works. Hosted by Georgia College and State University. -
Wren, Sir Christopher 1632-1723 - A biography from, with a description of Saint Paul's Cathedral and bibliography. -
Christopher Wren - Spartacus provides a portrait and biography of the great English architect, descriptions of his major works and some comments on them the diaries of Celia Fiennes and Daniel Defoe. -
Sir Christopher Wren (1632-1723) - Biography of the great English architect responsible for St Paul's Cathedral, from the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive at the University of St Andrews. -
St Paul's Cathedral, London - The official site of the magnificent Baroque church designed by Sir Christopher Wren in 1673. It has an illustrated chronology and 360-degree panoramas that require QuickTime VR. -
Sir Christopher Wren (1632-1723) - Great Buildings Online provides a biography taken from Dennis Sharp, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Architects and Architecture, photographs, details and bibliographies of Wren's works. -