Vernacular Language North: Bernard Maybeck - Chronological listing of 120 selected extant architectural works in the San Francisco Bay Area designed by Bernard Maybeck between 1892 and 1940 with explanatory texts and illustrations by Robert L. Mix. -
Friends of First Church, Berkeley - Activities, events and contacts for this group which supports the restoration and preservation of Bernard Maybeck's architectural masterpiece. -
Dr. Howard Gates' House, San Jose - Photograph of the Italianate house designed by Bernard Maybeck in 1904, with history and description taken from 'Historical Footnotes of Santa Clara Valley' by Jack Douglas. -
Bernard Maybeck and Brookings Oregon - Drawings and writings by the seminal California architect, including Brookings, Canberra (Australia), The Palace of Fine Arts, and the famous pamphlet on hillside building. Part of Oregon Coast Net. -