George Washington Maher - A biography of Maher by John Edward Powell, from Biographies of prominent historic architects, designers and builders in Fresno and the Central Valley. -
Maher and Son in Gary, Indiana - Information on George Maher, his son, and their Gary, Indiana architecture designs, from Steve Spicer's Miller Beach site. -
George W. Maher Quarterly - A journal on the life and work of this influential architect. Illustrated outline of content, how to order, related links. -
Chicago Landmarks: George Maher - Portrait and biographical sketch of the architect, with a guide to his works in Chicago, from City of Chicago Department of Planning and Development. -
George W. Maher (1864-1926) - Photograph and brief biography of the Prairie style architect, with a list of his works from the official site of one of them - the Pleasant Home in Oak Park, Illinois. -