Purcell and Elmslie - Overview of the firm's work, including archival source materials (drawings, manuscripts, and illustrations), as well as modern commentary and recent photographs of surviving buildings and objects. - http://www.organica.org/purcellandelmslie.htm
The Healy Chapel - Photographs and brief history of 1927-28 funeral home in Aurora, Illinois. - http://www.healychapel.com/history.htm
Peoples Gas Irving Park Neighborhood Store - Brief profile of 1926 building designed by Elmslie in association with Herman von Holst. - http://www.ci.chi.il.us/Landmarks/P/PeoplesGasIrving.html
George Grant Elmslie - Biography and photograph of the Scottish-born Prairie Style architect from a site associated with "The Airplane House", Woods Hole, Mass. - http://www.prairiestyles.com/elmslie.htm