Painswick Rococo Garden - Official site for this 18th-century garden dotted with follies. Photographs, description and visitor information. -
Follies and Monuments - Eccentric buildings built by British eccentrics. A photograph and description of each building arranged by county, or accessible via the clickable map. -
Beckford's Tower - Built in 1827 for the accomplished but eccentric William Beckford, it is now a museum. The Bath Preservation Trust provides photographs, a brief history and description, and visitor information. -
Hawkstone Park and Follies - The official site for this 18th-century garden with grottos and architectural oddities created in Shropshire, England, by Sir Rowland Hill. Photographs, brief history and visitor information. -
Follies, Grottoes and Garden Buildings - Pavilions of Splendour defines a folly and provides illustrated descriptions of some examples. -
Virtual Portmeirion - Online tours, hundreds of photographs and information about Portmeirion, North Wales, a picturesque village created by Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, including architectural follies. -
Freston Tower - An illustrated introduction by Ed Broom to this six-story 16th-century building overlooking the River Orwell in Suffolk, with extracts about it from various guidebooks. -