The British Museum: History - The official site gives a history and an historic image of the buildings at its core designed by Sir Robert and Sidney Smirke and erected between the 1820s and 1850s. -
The Natural History Museum: History and Architecture - An illustrated outline from the official site of the remarkable Victorian buildings in South Kensington, designed by Waterhouse and decorated with carvings of animals and plants. -
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem - The Shrine of the Book, erected in 1965 for the preservation and exhibition of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Brief illustrated history of this remarkable building designed by American-Jewish architects A.Bartos and F. Kiesler. -
Kunsthaus Graz - An extraordinary exhibition hall in Austria designed by London architects Peter Cook and Colin Fournier. Includes images and description of the "friendly alien" design. -
The Crystal Palace Foundation - Group dedicated to preserving the history of the Crystal Palace, who have created a museum on the site. Includes images and a history of the building after the Great Exhibition closed in October 1851. -
ArchitectureWeek: Foster and Partners Roof the Great Court - Don Barker explains the history of the great neoclassical British Museum designed by Robert Smirke in the context of the new steel and glass roof. -
Exhibition and Exposition - Great Buildings Online provides images and information on a selection of buildings in Europe, North American and Japan designed for exhibition purposes. -
The Crystal Palace - Computer models of this Victorian marvel designed by Joseph Paxton from the University of Virginia, with an illustrated account of its history and construction. -
Art Galleries and Museums - Information on the architect, location, date, construction system, context and style of a world selection from Great Buildings Online. -