Sir Basil Spence Archive Project - Collates images, videos and commentary on Britain's most celebrated post war architect. The archive was presented to the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland by the Spence family. -
Royal Institute of British Architects: Library, Drawings and Archives - Descriptions and online catalogue of the collections including over 650,000 architectural drawings by mainly British architects, over 700,000 manuscripts and archives and more than 650,000 photographs of architecture worldwide. -
The Muzharul Islam Archive - Maintains and catalogs the drawings and related materials of noted Bangladeshi architect Muzharul Islam. It is hosted by the University of Asia Pacific. Site includes a biography and photographs. -
Avery Library Drawings and Archives - A collection of 500,000 items, including original drawings, blueprints, photographs, correspondence, and other architectural records at Columbia University, New York. -
Carnegie Mellon Architecture Archives - Aims to document the architects and architecture of Pittsburgh and the tri-state region of western Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio and northern West Virginia. -
Irish Architectural Archive - The archive was established in 1976 to collect, preserve and make available to the public records of every kind relating to the architecture of Ireland. -
Gottscho-Schleisner Collection - Photographs by Samuel Gottscho and William Schleisner in the Library of Congress of the architecture and interior design of 20th-century America. Can be browsed or searched. -
Barragan Foundation - This foundation in Switzerland houses the professional archives of Luis Barragán. -
Ball State University - The College of Architecture and Planning’s Drawings and Documents Archive preserves and makes available records concerning Indiana’s historic sites and structures and the careers of Hoosier designers. -
The International Archive of Women in Architecture - At Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University documents the history of women's professional involvement in the field of architecture before the 1950s. Biographical dictionary. -
The National Monuments Record - The records made and gathered by the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. Access and search aids for the public; online photo gallery. -
Environmental Design Archives - A repository of historical architecture and landscape architecture records at the College of Environmental Design, University of California. Collections, programs and services. -
Lambeth Palace Library - Includes the archive of the Incorporated Church Building Society (1818-1984), the single largest source of plans and drawings of new and rebuilt churches in the UK. Library holdings, services, news. -
The Southeastern Architectural Archive - This archive at Tulane University is New Orleans' major repository for architectural records. Has cataloged records of more than 120 firms. Opening hours, architects represented, resources. -
Research Materials for Architecture in Metropolitan Washington - This directory by the University of Maryland Libraries describes collections of architectural drawings, photographs and papers in various archives, libraries and other repositories. -
Norman Morrison Isham Collection - Collection of notebooks, manuscripts, photographs,letters, deeds, inventories and measured drawings pertaining to Isham's study of early New England architecture, held by the Rhode Island Historical Society. -
Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania - Contains the works of more than 400 designers from the 18th century to today, most notably the office drawings, models and papers of Louis I. Kahn, located in Philadelphia. -
Architecture of Wales - Collection of architectural drawings, mostly of Welsh structures, held at The National Library of Wales. -
Canadian Centre for Architecture - A museum and study centre devoted to international architecture past and present. The collection includes 42,000 prints and drawings from the late 15th century to the present and 50,000 architectural photographs. French and English language options. -