Square Enix - Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
- The official site containing news, story, character information, trailers, wallpapers and merchandise for North America.
- http://na.square-enix.com/dvd/ff7ac/
Final Fantasy Insider - Offers general information, storyline, characters profiles, images, movies and wallpapers on the movie. - http://www.ffinsider.net/ff7ac/
GameSpot - Features editorial news stories, previews, images, videos, FAQs and a forum. - http://www.gamespot.com/psp/rpg/finalfantasyviiadventchildren/
Wikipedia - Collaborative online encyclopedia (wiki) page that provides extensive motion picture information and backgrounds. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_VII:_Advent_Children
Final Fantasy Net - Advent Children - Provides speculation, cast information, character biographies, interviews, story lines, and trailers. - http://www.ffnet.org/adventchildren/
IGN - Basic background information about the movie with news coverage and media (trailers and screenshots). - http://psp.ign.com/objects/608/608155.html
Advent Children Unlimited - Fan page offers plot and character information, screenshots, wallpaper, magazine scans, and trailers. - http://www.unlimitedgamer.net/ff7ac.php
RPGamer - News articles and collected media. - http://www.rpgamer.com/games/ff/ff7ac/ff7ac.html
IMDB - Contains cast and crew details, movie format information, plot summary, trailers, goofs, quotes and a message board. - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0385700/
Advent Children Net (FF7AC.NET) - Offers general movie information but with multiple pictures, trailer download links and fan works (arts, wallpapers). - http://www.ff7ac.net/
AdventChildren.net - Offers the latest news, screenshots, fan works, and articles relating to the movie. Also includes discussion forums and a chat room. - http://www.adventchildren.net/
Final Fantasy Shrine - Provides general movie information with screenshots and trailers. - http://www.ffshrine.org/ffac/ffac.php