Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Official site with information on Turtle toys, animation, and movies. Online comic strip, art contests, character profiles, and free stuff to download.
- http://www.ninjaturtles.com/
Official Site for #tmnt-files on IRC-Chat - Site includes files for downloading, guides on using IRC, setting up an fserve, using FTPs, and an episode guide. - http://www.tmnt-files.net/
Brinatello's TMNT Page - Fan fiction, fan art, and links. - http://brinatello.splunkyard.com/
Cowabunga! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Contains information about the TMNT cartoon shows, action figures, art, and Nintendo and Super Nintendo TMNT games. - http://www.derok.net/derok/tmnt.html
TMNT Rulezz - Includes character bios, episode guides, media, and links. - http://tmntrulezz.wyvern920.com/body.php
New York on 10 Dollars a Day - Contains information, character profiles, links, and reviews for the TMNT video games, TV episodes and movies. - http://www.inverteddungeon.com/nyona10/
Internet Movie Database - Cast and crew list, trivia and other details. - http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0131613/
HorseTurtle's TMNT page - Fan art, fan fiction, and movie details. - http://www.turtlequest.com/tmnt/
Raphael's Ninja Turtle Domain - A TMNT flash site with an exclusive complete games section and info on TV and movies. - http://www.xs4all.nl/~rgret
Tinselcat's Starship - Contains TMNT fan fiction, fan art, and poetry. - http://tcplanet.thetechnodrome.com/
Amandatello's TMNT Lair - Contains profiles, fan fiction, fan art, and links. - http://amandatello.thetechnodrome.com/
Katie's Shredder Site - Pictures, sounds, profile, and other information about Shredder from TMNT. - http://www.he-manandshe-ra.org/shredder.html
GreenWillow's TMNT Lair - A fan-created site dedicated to Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their awesome fans. Here you will find award-winning Fan Fiction and Fan Art based on the TMNT. - http://www.behindthemasks.com/greenwillow/
TOKKA's KriB - Includes humor, comics, and fan fiction. - http://www.terrible2z.com
TMNT World - Fan fiction, fan art, and quotes. - http://www.msu.edu/~yeagerk1/tmn.html
The Technodrome - TMNT fan art and fiction, image gallery, madlibs, message board, and multimedia. - http://www.thetechnodrome.com/
Cherubae's Ninja Turtle Dimension - Home of FOGU: "Federation Of Golden Underwear". Featuring free webcards, music files, information on the animated and live-action series, comics, movies, and news. - http://www.fogu.com/