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The Price of Coffins: Specious Arguments by Eeminent Doctors against the Dangers of Tobacco

  Link Details for: The Price of Coffins: Specious Arguments by Eeminent Doctors against the Dangers of Tobacco
Link Title: The Price of Coffins: Specious Arguments by Eeminent Doctors against the Dangers of Tobacco Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/319/7225/1621
Link Details: Letter to the British medical Journal reviews some tobacco, medical, and public policy history: "good evidence showed that smoking causes lung cancer; the media's response to this information was initially resistant; specious arguments were used to d
Category: Top : Health : Specific_Substances : Tobacco : History
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The Price of Coffins: Specious Arguments by Eeminent Doctors against the Dangers of Tobacco