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Cigar and Pipe Smoking are as Dangerous as Cigarettes to Periodontal Health

  Link Details for: Cigar and Pipe Smoking are as Dangerous as Cigarettes to Periodontal Health
Link Title: Cigar and Pipe Smoking are as Dangerous as Cigarettes to Periodontal Health Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2001-01/AAoP-Caps-0401101.php
Link Details: "Pierce Brosnan and Demi Moore have appeared on covers of cigar magazines...What the covers don't show is models with missing teeth." Yet recent research shows that cigars, pipes, and cigarettes all damage periodontal health and cause tooth loss
Category: Top : Health : Specific_Substances : Tobacco : Effects : Mouth_and_Throat
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Cigar and Pipe Smoking are as Dangerous as Cigarettes to Periodontal Health