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di-ve.com: The Importance of Moderate Frequent Alcohol Consumption

  Link Details for: di-ve.com: The Importance of Moderate Frequent Alcohol Consumption
Link Title: di-ve.com: The Importance of Moderate Frequent Alcohol Consumption Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.di-ve.com/dive/portal/portal.jhtml?id=155376&pid=null
Link Details: The protective effect of alcohol consumption against coronary heart disease has been known for some time. An 11-year follow-up study of 10,000 UK civil servants emphasizes the significance of frequency of alcohol consumption, as opposed to the total weekl
Category: Top : Health : Specific_Substances : Alcoholic_Beverages : Benefits
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di-ve.com: The Importance of Moderate Frequent Alcohol Consumption