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Castronova, Edward: Virtual Worlds: A First-Hand Account of Market and Society on the Cyberian Frontier

  Link Details for: Castronova, Edward: Virtual Worlds: A First-Hand Account of Market and Society on the Cyberian Frontier
Link Title: Castronova, Edward: Virtual Worlds: A First-Hand Account of Market and Society on the Cyberian Frontier Open in a new window
Link URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=294828
Link Details: Abstract of report on the economy of Everquest, arguing that this virtual world has as real an economy as most nation states. Full text by subscription only.
Category: Top : Games : Game_Studies : Articles
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Castronova, Edward: Virtual Worlds: A First-Hand Account of Market and Society on the Cyberian Frontier