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Is SCO NDA Sideshow Setting a Trap for Analysts and Linux Developers?

  Link Details for: Is SCO NDA Sideshow Setting a Trap for Analysts and Linux Developers?
Link Title: Is SCO NDA Sideshow Setting a Trap for Analysts and Linux Developers? Open in a new window
Link URL: http://mozillaquest.com/Linux03/ScoSource-16-NDA_Story01.html
Link Details: SCO refuses to show alleged tainted Linux code publicly. To avoid doing so, they offer look at code via oppressive NDA stating what witnesses can reveal to public. But SCO may have no Unix copyrights or patents. [MozillaQuest]
Category: Top : Computers : Software : Operating_Systems : Unix : SCO : Boycott,_Lawsuits : Risks
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Is SCO NDA Sideshow Setting a Trap for Analysts and Linux Developers?