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Maker of Lindows Laughs at Face of Danger (and Microsoft)

  Link Details for: Maker of Lindows Laughs at Face of Danger (and Microsoft)
Link Title: Maker of Lindows Laughs at Face of Danger (and Microsoft) Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/technology/maney/2003-02-25-maney_x.htm
Link Details: Robertson started a firm competing against Microsoft Windows in the PC OS market, named his cheap OS and firm Lindows (one letter different), and to ensure Microsoft hates him, has a $200,000 reward for anyone hacking Xbox. [USA Today]
Category: Top : Computers : Software : Operating_Systems : Linux : Distributions : Linspire
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Maker of Lindows Laughs at Face of Danger (and Microsoft)