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Histos: Ammianus Marcellinus on the Geography of the Pontus Euxinus

  Link Details for: Histos: Ammianus Marcellinus on the Geography of the Pontus Euxinus
Link Title: Histos: Ammianus Marcellinus on the Geography of the Pontus Euxinus Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.dur.ac.uk/Classics/histos/1998/drijvers.html
Link Details: Paper by Jan Willem Drijvers of the University of Groningen considering Marcellinus' digression on the Black Sea in the Res Gestae as a literary rather than reference piece.
Category: Top : Arts : Classical_Studies : Roman : Ammianus_Marcellinus
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Histos: Ammianus Marcellinus on the Geography of the Pontus Euxinus