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Decolorization and Detoxication of Textile Dyes with a Laccase from Trametes Hirsuta

  Link Details for: Decolorization and Detoxication of Textile Dyes with a Laccase from Trametes Hirsuta
Link Title: Decolorization and Detoxication of Textile Dyes with a Laccase from Trametes Hirsuta Open in a new window
Link URL: http://aem.asm.org/cgi/reprint/66/8/3357.pdf
Link Details: Extensive scientific paper about the process of decolorization and detoxification of textile dyestuff effluents with the T. Hirsuta enzyme. Authors: Elias Abadulla and others.
Category: Top : Business : Textiles_and_Nonwovens : Resins_and_Chemicals : Adhesives
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Decolorization and Detoxication of Textile Dyes with a Laccase from Trametes Hirsuta