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Bronze and Plaster castings by David Cumbie are exhibited on Florida Artists Registry.com

  Link Details for: Bronze and Plaster castings by David Cumbie are exhibited on Florida Artists Registry.com
Link Title: Bronze and Plaster castings by David Cumbie are exhibited on Florida Artists Registry.com Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.artistsregistry.com/catalog/premium_artists.php?mid=1187&osCsid=730c818e17916932422e9dc8d115072a
Link Details: Historically oriented, his works have hidden references to artists of the past. He loves the childlike quality of toys (soldiers, stuffed animals, puzzle pieces), anything that is playful.
Category: Top : Arts : Visual_Arts : Sculpture : Sculptors : Casting
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Bronze and Plaster castings by David Cumbie are exhibited on Florida Artists Registry.com