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Homily for the Canonization of Sr. Mary Faustina Kowalska

  Link Details for: Homily for the Canonization of Sr. Mary Faustina Kowalska
Link Title: Homily for the Canonization of Sr. Mary Faustina Kowalska Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/homilies/documents/hf_jp-ii_hom_20000430_faustina_en.html
Link Details: Pope John Paul II's homily, 30 April, 2000.
Category: Top : Society : Religion_and_Spirituality : Christianity : Denominations : Catholicism : Saints : F : Saint_Faustina_Kowalska
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Homily for the Canonization of Sr. Mary Faustina Kowalska