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Sadhu Benedict Moth - Monastero S. Benedetto - Maheshwarapasha - Khulna - Bangladesh

  Link Details for: Sadhu Benedict Moth - Monastero S. Benedetto - Maheshwarapasha - Khulna - Bangladesh
Link Title: Sadhu Benedict Moth - Monastero S. Benedetto - Maheshwarapasha - Khulna - Bangladesh Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.asram.org
Link Details: Website of the Benedictine Monks (non-profit) in Bangladesh. Main contents: description of the Monastery, downloadable files of religious content, a list of freeware and shareware utilities developed in the monastery.
Category: Top : Society : Religion_and_Spirituality : Christianity : Denominations : Catholicism : Orders : Mens_Orders : Benedictines
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Sadhu Benedict Moth - Monastero S. Benedetto - Maheshwarapasha - Khulna - Bangladesh