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A DNA Account of Propositions as Events: Dummett, Någårjuna, Aristotle

  Link Details for: A DNA Account of Propositions as Events: Dummett, Någårjuna, Aristotle
Link Title: A DNA Account of Propositions as Events: Dummett, Någårjuna, Aristotle Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Scie/ScieNiza.htm
Link Details: Article by Khristos Nizamis presented at the 20th World Congress of Philosophy. Khristos argues that Indian Buddhism allows us to maintain an alternate anti-realism that is compatible with bivalence, and the phenonomenal ontology of the world.
Category: Top : Society : Philosophy : Philosophy_of_Language : Meaning : Realism_and_Antirealism
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A DNA Account of Propositions as Events: Dummett, Någårjuna, Aristotle