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NPR : Hidden Treasures: Sacred Relics of the Freemasons

  Link Details for: NPR : Hidden Treasures: Sacred Relics of the Freemasons
Link Title: NPR : Hidden Treasures: Sacred Relics of the Freemasons Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1570170
Link Details: In Boston, the birthplace of the American Freemasonry society, some ceremonial objects are considered so sacred, they're kept locked away. As part of the Hidden Treasures Radio Project, Harriet Baskas goes inside the Grand Lodge's vaults for a look at obj
Category: Top : Society : Organizations : Fraternal : Freemasonry
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NPR : Hidden Treasures: Sacred Relics of the Freemasons