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Events as Grammatical Objects: The Converging Perspectives of Lexical Semantics, Logical Semantics and Syntax

  Link Details for: Events as Grammatical Objects: The Converging Perspectives of Lexical Semantics, Logical Semantics and Syntax
Link Title: Events as Grammatical Objects: The Converging Perspectives of Lexical Semantics, Logical Semantics and Syntax Open in a new window
Link URL: http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/site/1575862069.html
Link Details: Abstract of the book by Carol L. Tenny and James Pustejovsky.
Category: Top : Science : Social_Sciences : Linguistics : People : Pustejovsky,_James
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Events as Grammatical Objects: The Converging Perspectives of Lexical Semantics, Logical Semantics and Syntax