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Saanich - Classified Word List; An Outline of the Morphology and Phonology of Saanich, North Straits Salish

  Link Details for: Saanich - Classified Word List; An Outline of the Morphology and Phonology of Saanich, North Straits Salish
Link Title: Saanich - Classified Word List; An Outline of the Morphology and Phonology of Saanich, North Straits Salish Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.ling.unt.edu/~montler/Saanich/
Link Details: A thorough treatment of the vocabulary and grammar of Saanich, a variety of North Straits Salish, by Timothy Montler. Proper viewing of the site requires a dynamic (downloadable) font.
Category: Top : Science : Social_Sciences : Linguistics : Languages : Natural : Salish
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Saanich - Classified Word List; An Outline of the Morphology and Phonology of Saanich, North Straits Salish