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Transitivity Alternations in Yucatec, and the Correlation Between Aspect and Argument Roles

  Link Details for: Transitivity Alternations in Yucatec, and the Correlation Between Aspect and Argument Roles
Link Title: Transitivity Alternations in Yucatec, and the Correlation Between Aspect and Argument Roles Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.hum.uit.no/a/kraemer/KraWuYu.pdf
Link Details: Article by M. Kraemer and D. Wunderlich, analysing the argument structure of Mayan Yucatec.
Category: Top : Science : Social_Sciences : Linguistics : Languages : Natural : Mayan
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Transitivity Alternations in Yucatec, and the Correlation Between Aspect and Argument Roles