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The Palace of the Crimean Khans in Bakhchisaray

  Link Details for: The Palace of the Crimean Khans in Bakhchisaray
Link Title: The Palace of the Crimean Khans in Bakhchisaray Open in a new window
Link URL: http://hansaray.narod.ru/index.html
Link Details: One of the best known historic places in Ukraine. In 1530s-1783 Bakhchisaray was the capital of the state of the Crimean Tatar people - the Crimean Khanate. Nowadays the Museum of History and Culture of the Crimean Tatars is visited by about 200.000 touri
Category: Top : Regional : Europe : Ukraine : Republics : Crimea : Society_and_Culture
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The Palace of the Crimean Khans in Bakhchisaray