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The End of Absolutism: Shakespeare's Coriolanus and the Consensual Nature of the Early Modern State

  Link Details for: The End of Absolutism: Shakespeare's Coriolanus and the Consensual Nature of the Early Modern State
Link Title: The End of Absolutism: Shakespeare's Coriolanus and the Consensual Nature of the Early Modern State Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.hull.ac.uk/renforum/v4no2/cefalu.htm
Link Details: Paul Cefalu argues that what has been traditionally described as ideological class or status polarization in Coriolanus should be more accurately described as non-ideological conflict.
Category: Top : Arts : Literature : World_Literature : British : Shakespeare : Works : Plays : Tragedies : Coriolanus
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The End of Absolutism: Shakespeare's Coriolanus and the Consensual Nature of the Early Modern State